Exclusive Self Mastery Course

The self mastery course is a course where you learn about the faculties you possess, such as the mind, your awareness, your will and your energy. An extremely simplified way of explaining the mind, is saying it is thoughts and emotions. Just imagine for a second how much of your experience of this life is through thoughts and emotions. It is the very foundation of your experience, isn’t it? Getting a proper understanding of what it is, how it works and how to master it is essential for inner wellbeing.

I have chosen to make this course an exclusive one-to-one course where you get to work directly with me. This is because even though the teachings are universal, we all perceive things differently, we have different backgrounds and experiences, and I want to make sure what I share is properly understood. I’ve always preferred learning through conversations rather than listening to a lecture. It becomes more personal and I feel more inspired. This is a powerful course and I don’t want anything to go to waste, so this way I ensure the best quality. This way I can help you develop your tools and follow up on your progress. Often we take courses and we learn new things but we fail to truly implement what we learn. I want to make sure that does not happen here.

Program of the course:
– Free & non-binding consultation
– Learning about the mind and a powerful breathing technique for inner balance and harmony
– Learning about willpower and tools to strengthen it
– Learning about what it means to be present, how to become present and how to maintain presence.
– Learning about the comfort zone, the treasures beyond it and how to get there.
– Learning about the energy body and a new breathing techniques
– A personalised session based on your needs and desires.
– Completion of integration.
– Follow-up session

There will be one session pr. week. The last follow-up session takes place about one month after the course.

The entire course takes place over video calls, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home.

Included is a PDF document with the essential teachings, preparation for sessions and worksheets.

Price: 7.800,- NOK.
If you share this course with someone who signs up, I will give you the course for only 5.800,-.

Learn more

Let’s get right to it, what does self mastery even mean?

What is meant by self mastery is not about mastering the self, but rather the self becoming a master. For most people the true Self is dormant. It is passive and unrealised. Self Mastery is about awakening the true Self and unleash the powers we possess.

We tend to think knowledge = success. But as an example, you can study psychology for years, but unless you are able to process your own emotions, direct your awareness and create inner wellbeing, whats it all worth? You may be smart, but you are far from wise.

As human beings we have the most sophisticated and complex asset in the known universe. The mind. It’s within the human mind we find both peace and conflict- and chaos. It’s where we find love and hate, wellbeing and suffering, joy and misery, desire and addiction. It is the state of our mind that determine the very quality of our lives.

We need to understand that wether we are joyful or miserable, it’s our own making. What happens in our outer world we have very limited control over, but our inner world is 100% our own responsibility and within our control. It is a privilege we should not give away to anyone or anything. Unfortunately, thats what most people are doing. They blame their boss for their frustrations, their partner for their jealousy, their parents for their anger and so on. Even material things can become the source of peoples grief and depression.

You see people who have suffered from depression, anxiety, stress and so on. Many of them are able to break free from it. They make changes within themselves. If we can change ourselves like that, it can only mean there is a choice.

Im not saying we consciously choose to be anxious or depressed, I am saying we have fallen unconscious of the repetitive reaction we have to certain situations. If we bring it back into the light of consciousness we can choose differently. If both peace and anxiety are different places within the mind, then if we learn how to master our own awareness and attention, we can just as well choose peace instead of anxiety.

You can observe how some people are very good at it and others are not. Some have learned how to navigate fairly well within their minds, while others have lost all control. Their awareness are continuously triggered from one place to the next, making their lives a story of unconscious action-reaction. Its impossible to achieve anything when you function at this level, because whenever you set your mind to something, you will get distracted, discouraged, uncertain and passive the very next moment. Your happiness will happen by chance, only if your surroundings allow it.

If you do not know how to create your own inner wellbeing, you depend on your surroundings, thus you will actively try to change and control your environment. You will try to please everyone, because they decide how you are feeling and what you are thinking.

To put it short, your life is an endless battle of trying to feel at peace and joyful. You learn what to avoid and what to allow in your life, which makes your life very predictable and limited.

If on the other hand, you learn to process all your emotions as they come, you know by experience that whatever life throws at you, you can handle it. There is no need to fear suffering anymore, because it is something you master. Painful situations will still happen, and they will still be unpleasant, but manageable. Whatever happens within yourself, you’re ok. This is the very basis of confidence. It’s not about believing that you are great, it’s about knowing that whatever happens, you’ll be fine.

Another aspect is learning to direct your awareness. It is easy when your mind is calm to direct your awareness to a pleasant memory, but let say you’re about to jump into ice cold water. If you have ever done it, you will know how there will be a gravitational pull for your awareness towards thoughts about how cold and painful it will be. Learning to direct your awareness means you can choose what you want to focus on. You may take some precautions first to make sure it is safe, but then choose not to give any attention to how cold or painful it will be.

If you do follow all the practices I can guarantee that you will notice big changes before the course is even finished.

Sign up

Fill out the form and I will come back to you to schedule a non-binding consultation.